September 2023 Sunday Services

Visitors are welcome to join us, in person at 1600 Isabella, Mt Vernon, for in-person services the first three weeks of the month, and also visitors are welcome on the last Sunday on Zoom

On Sunday September 3, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., Gail DeVilbiss will lead this in-person service.  Please join us downstairs after the service for coffee and conversation.

On  Sunday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m., Gail DeVilbiss and others will lead this in-person Ingathering service, the Annual Water Ceremony or Water Communion that marks the end of summer. Please bring water from summer travels or a special place, or to represent a special place, to share in the communal water gathering.

After the service there will be a membership meeting to vote on purchasing a stair lift for the back stairway. It could be installed in the back stairwell from the landing to the basement.  People would be able to access it through the side door which has only a short step up to the landing. Or they could get assistance down the 4 steps by the office then use the lift for the 10 or 11 steps to the basement.  To add a lift to the top 4 stairs would be a separate installation and cost the same, as each lift comes as a kit. The cost is $4069.   Members who cannot be present that day can let the Board know their vote by emailing The stair lift purchase was approved, and will be installed 9/21/23.

Please join us downstairs after the service for snacks, coffee and conversation.

On Sunday, September 17, at 10:00a.m.,  Mary Scharlemann will lead an in-person  Open Reading service. You are invited to bring poetry or a reading or music to share during the service, on a theme of your choice. Open readings can be some of our most meaningful services, reflecting the diversity of our Fellowship.   Please join us downstairs following the service for coffee and conversation. The Board Meeting follows the Coffee Hour.

On Sunday, September 24, at 10:00 a.m., Glenn Moreton will lead this service on Zoom, “A ‘GOYISHE’ GUIDE TO THE HIGH HOLY DAYS.” At the end of this10-day period that is sacred to our Jewish friends, Glenn Moreton will explore the significance of this holiday time. In addition, he will take this opportunity to explore Judaism in general, noting the differences and similarities between Judaism and Christianity. Also, some spirited music will be included.    Visitors are welcome. For Zoom information please email . A virtual social hour follows the service.

On Saturday September 30,  a MTVUUF  Potluck Picnic  will be held at Foundation Park in Centralia, 12:00at the Harris Picnic Shelter.