June 2021 Sunday Services

June 2021 Sunday Services

The monthly Board Meeting will follow the service and coffee hour.

On June 13, at 10:00 a.m. Roberta Price will lead our Open Readings service. You are invited to bring poems, readings, music, or other artwork to share. Open Readings can be some of our most meaningful services, reflecting the diversity of our Fellowship.

In keeping with our caring and sharing principles, we will be social distancing and wearing masks.

On June 20, at 10:00 a.m., Glenn Moreton will lead our Open Readings service. You are invited to bring  readings or music to share, which could be on the theme of fathers or Father’s Day, or on any theme.  Open Readings can be some of our most meaningful services, reflecting the diversity of our Fellowship.

On June 27, at 10:00 a.m. Luke Crawford will lead our Open Readings service on Zoom including readings from Helen Keller. June 27 is Helen Keller day each year, in honor of her birthday. You are invited to bring readings or music to share, and are welcome to bring some readings from Keller or other related material, or to bring readings or music on other themes to share.

Please email music links or files to lukesanfordcrawford@gmail.com . The last service of each month will continue on Zoom. Check your email for the Zoom link.

Please join us after Sunday services for coffee and conversation.